High School? Hormones?

                                       Cheap Seats Press: Hillary Gausch Reporting I caught up with Professor Benedict Ebes of the Hemispheric Alliance as he was leaving his hotel room. Professor Ebes was hurrying down the fire escape towards a car waiting in the alley below. I had anticipated his move when the crowd in front of the hotel started…Read More


Hillary Gausch Reporting: It was the Friday night before Christmas and a holiday crowd was wandering the Capital complex. It was a mild evening and snow in big lazy flakes was falling through the street lights and powdering the crowd. Mueller had just made his final report to a closed session of the House and…Read More

Kissing Frogs

Kissing Frogs Dan Welch To the Point: If the advice to women that they may have to kiss a lot of frogs to find their prince is true then you can see the motivation. There’s nothing more wonderful than being in love and with Prince Charming it’s guaranteed, by definition, to be a long, happy…Read More

Magic Wands

  Is there such a thing as a wizard without a magic wand? Is there anything more common in our world than a remote control? Doesn’t it seem like someone must have been doing some time traveling? Logical, simple, even elegant … but, complicated. It was probably not someone going from modern times back to…Read More